Saturday, November 20, 2010

"Sarra" Short for Sarraounia

Anti Hero, Life is Tremendous and Interesting.

Protagonist is Loved and Loathed.

They Accent The World, They have Lots to Learn from.

Because the Hero is Selfish and doesnt know it. They are able to luck up on any circumstance and they are always seeking a Thrill in Life and they know how to live it to the fullest no matter what CIRCUMSTANCE.

The ups and downs, highs and lows able to communicate with ANYONE. To BE Successful...

Independently Successful.

We laugh, We Admire and WE are AMused by their Worlds.

We hope for their Love and Success which is not Easy.

We are Afraid of them Failing.

Death. Stagnation. Misunderstanding. Missing the Calling.

Finding Love thru all the Ups and Downs...She is so Focused.

Unable to fulfill The Calling.


Harder Challenges with People.

People Mess it up but The Anti Hero needs to understand them in order to MAKE IT to the Finish....Sidetracking, Lying, Cheating, Deceiving, Undermining, Discouraging and Stealing.

They cant live a happy more sound life with out fulfilling their greatest gift.

To Write a Book about Life.

A child is born and the AntiHero Moves to a NEw city!

Yes a deadline to make a huge move and get on the scene...To make a Movie. All Star Weekend!

Lack of Money and Support.

They seem to keep being distracted by people and their lives interfering with Hers through Thoughts.

Focusing. Staying on Task and Time Managing which does not have a place for LOVE>

Love Focus makes it unattainable.

Yes it can be Evaded if she detaches totally and focuses only her priority with her child.

Never forgotten because it is necessary, but it can be solved peacefully and she needs to figure it OUT.

THE MOTHERS. A New Network. Her Family.

That everything will Show up Ontime. She will lose Love. They dont know that she wants independent success anyway andit is actually a help to be unattached. They dontknow about the secret desires.

Cause her to move out of her element. Threaten her infrastructure and dampen the spirit.

The attention she gets naturally. Defaming her character and using her selfishness against her.

HEr pitfalls are misunderstood and causes resentful feelings.

YES Jealousy, Growth and Commitment to Thorough Relationships.

How she becomes and moves as a mother focused and Determined.

She will not allow anyone into her world. She demands too much.

She is left alone and loses her Love...She has to go at life alone.

Her friends surround her and encourage her tremendously.

She feeds her ideas and gives her tools to keep on going.

Sarra loves and loathes her father it is what some might say love hate.
She hates and loves his stubbrornness. The father had common sense and controlled mentally.

Her mother had book sense. She couldnt control her and she knew her world was GREAT! She would have to bow down to her Mother.

Her one brother is aloof she loves him so much but he is like her mother distant but close. They both seem omnipresent.

Overprotected but not sheltered. They felt affection as children and this is why they are so secure and self assured.
Working Class. The economic status was poor. Religion is important.

Politics hold the backgrond and influence of whereever you are.
Sarra is slow witted, book smart and good common sense. Intellectual and Street Smarted.

She knows she is smart but knows she is slow witted and that is her duality.
Slow deliberate conversation really goodlistener but can drift and become dreamy sometime.

Love school and everything about it!

Always involved in school!
Connected but not interested only wanted to be in the club and get things done.

She has a law degree.
She is the editor for the New Yorker.

Wants to only write scripts and shoot movies needs to at least option a script.

Travels regularly. Learns cultures abroad and makes new friend for her Global Society Column.

hER DEEpest diisillusion is love in the princess and king world that has yet to exist in her society properly.

The Movie

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