Sunday, January 4, 2009

MOVIES Movies and More MOVIES!!

Now Hear This!!

The movies are taking over and we shall see the real ATOMIC BOMB! Dont be afraid when the political warlords come marching through to tell us about this ATOMIC BOMB! The real ATOMIC BOMB is film and we should all know that truth. Stay focused and pay attention because alot will cross your screen. It is hard to know everything but you must when you watch film. So we have to do alot of catching up. Movies Movies and More Movies there are alot to see because they are being made and I will tell you about the ones I watch.

It is just like cake the good ones are what we love and to know the good ones you have to eat the good ones and sometimes there is just too much cake. And a baker has to know all the ingredients too. I wont get off track this is about film right? So you are keeping up as the ideas are now beginning to manifest. WE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! I know just think about it its just like 1...2...3. This bomb is ticking look now. We have music, poetry, paintings and let me see. Oh never mind this is film.

We have to watch it and we must know it because there are all kinds of messages. How do we find it? Analyze that. Its everywhere all over the world and it can take you to the moon even. Just pay attention. There is nothing to be afraid of if we just listen and be open because it is enormous. Gigantic it has to be atomic. I mean how many movies come out weekly. How many have been made? Where are they all seen? How can we see them all? Where are the film exhibits exactly?

I will teach you to deconstruct this bomb baby. I love to talk film. It is some interesting stuff and something we all should know for life science and our biological makeup. The bridge to the artist and scientist. But that is too deep I know I got you focused. Deep focused. First term I must explain.

The long shots and great lengths we find in film make for a pretty picture truly vivid with colors and allures. That is poetic and divine all at the same time. If its good you follow me? It started years ago as one constructed his first camera. Now there are The Red, Digital, HD to breakdown any film with the same advance technique. Wow. A movie can be a film can a film be a movie. Nope. That is in my opinion but that is all this is and you can give yours too. Add your comment and keep on reading real criticism with real effect from different perspectives all over the world. It's everywhere...

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